Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Wow... I just got home from teaching second grade and I was checking my e-mail. I had an e-mail from my second choice school to work at - the principal wanted to set up an interview. AHHHH..... Interviews with my first and second choice schools! WHOO HOO! Now I'm just absolutely TERRIFFIED of these interviews! Oh well - funny story - you ready?!? So, it's pouring down rain today, and super windy. Well, I was trying to get the mail out of the mailbox and right as I pulled it out, a huge gush of wind blew all of my mail down the highway that I live on. Now, I live on a pretty busy highway... So I just had to stand by and watch my mail get run over in the puddles while I waited for a chance to run out in the road and try to get it without getting run over. Hmph! Not fun... It's all laying on the kitchen table drying currently. What a day...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I'm sub-ing for the Graphic Arts teacher again today.... High school students these days are STRANGE... *L* Well, I'm in a second grade class tomorrow - then high school chorus and art later in the week...so that'll be interesting. A friend of mine is performing his senior tuba recital on Thursday... I think I'll drive back to the college for that. It should be a really good performance. Well - it's almost lunch time - thank goodness! (I'm starving!) Holla!

Monday, March 29, 2004

Just thought I'd share my favorite poem....

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth

Spent a nice weekend (well, half of a weekend) with Tim. It was really nice, and I always hate when one of us has to leave. Oh well - absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh? I belive that! I'm not sub-ing today... so, I'm going to take this chance to work on some music I'm supposed to be arranging for the mini-orchestra at church for Easter. They gave me a CD, and I'm writing out the two trumpet parts, a sax, a horn and a trombone part. So - that should be an adventure. *crossing my fingers that I can do it* Well - that said, I guess I should go get started.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Alas - after a small amount of research, I've discovered that - yes- the classroom that I have been working in is the classroom of the teacher arressted for fondeling a student. Oh dear..... Whether the man is found guilty or innocent, I have a feeling that his teaching career is over. *sigh* On a MUCH happier note, I got an e-mail from the principal at the school that I REALLY, REALLY want to work at - she wanted to schedule an interview!! AHHH! Now I have a whole new set of things to worry about. I've NEVER been through a job interview.... SO nervous! C'mon, Lori! *breathe in.... breathe out* Wish me luck with that! *crossing my fingers*

Well - I'm teaching Graphic Arts again today... I'm actually on my lunch/planning period and I'm taking advantage of the student computers in the classroom. This morning, my first period class was talking about whether or not they thought their regular teacher was in jail. Hmm... on the local newspaper website it mentioned a teacher from the school being arrested for "innappropriate activity" with a student. I'll have to do some research into this when I get home - see if it's the guy I'm subbing for... YIKES! Interesting day. Tonight I'm heading to a bridal shower - that should be fun. Hmmm - I still have to wrap that gift!

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Boring day... I was a high school Graphic Arts teacher today. The regular teacher was absent unexpectantly, so he didn't have any sub plans ready. The office's solution? "The Last of the Mohicans." I watched that movie four times today... and I don't like it! Oh well. I got some reading done. I'm reading Stephen King's "The Green Mile." I never realized that it was originally a serial novel - came in 6 installments. Well - I'm substituting for the same teacher again tomorrow. Then, I'm heading to a Bridal Shower for an old elementary school friend. That should be interesting. Blah - holla!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well, today I taught 6th, 7th and 8th grade "Enrichment". It's kind of like remedial reading. Overall, the day wasn't too bad... Until about 10 minutes before the final bell rang - and two of the boys in the class decided to get into a fight. At least they were the 6th grade class, or I wouldn't have been able to break 'em up! Just as I was about to press the call button to call an administrator, one of them got called to the office for something else and then the bell rang and the other was gone... Geez! I couldn't do anything about it, except for leave a note for the regular teacher. Oh well. I can't decide if this was worse than the day that I was subbing kindergarten and the little boy threw up on me... Hmm - what kind of profession am I going into?!? When I got home today and checked my mailbox, I had letters from both school systems that I applied to. One was just a flier about a job fair that I already knew about and was already planning to attend. And, one was a really nice letter thanking me for putting my application on file. I've really got my fingers crossed for one of them - but hey! I would be REALLY thankful for either!! I dunno... I hate waiting. *crossing my fingers for the job I want*

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Just got back from a venture with Gincy. She called me yesterday to tell me that she'd been in a pretty rough car accident going from GA-400 onto I-285... She's okay, though - sprained wrist and a couple of jammed fingers from the air bag. But-those of you who know Gincy (my old college roommate) know Homer - her cute little green car. Well, guys, Homer is no more... He's been totalled. We went today to pay our respects...poor little guy. But, she's got a cute little rent-a-car, and the hopes of a new car soon, so best of luck to her in that endeaver! I'm about to go to the grocery store... Mom said I'm in charge of dinner - so, we're having hot-dogs. They're quick and easy and I REALLY don't feel like cooking today. BLECH.... I can't wait for Tim to get home from his Florida vacation. I miss him all the time, but it's even worse when I know he's out of state, and I can't just call him whenever I want. Hmm...strange things happening here... I've been in love before (i think), but this is different - this is more intense. This is something that I REALLY hope I don't manage to screw up! I mean, I can't help but hum old Sinatra love songs when I think of him. New experiences for me... hmmm....
Singing -
*When somebody loves you
It’s no good unless he loves you - all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you - all the way

Taller than the tallest tree is
That’s how it’s got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue see is
That’s how deep it goes - if it’s real

When somebody needs you
It’s no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in between years - come what may

Who know where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you’ll let me love you
It’s for sure I’m gonna love you - all the way, all the way*

Monday, March 22, 2004

Well, I'm going to apply for jobs today... WISH ME LUCK!

Sunday, March 21, 2004

*It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood - Won't you be my neighbor?* The day is gorgeous! Wow.... I just got home from church - played in the church orchestra today, that was fun. Off to help Mom fix lunch. *sniff* Smells like fried chicken, potatoes and deviled eggs... YUM. Holla!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

*M-I-C-See Ya next time! K-E-Y-Why? Because we love you! M-O-U-S-E!* Well - Tim's at Disney World... I hope he's having fun! I'm working on more job applications today. I'm SO ready for everything to be settled.... for me to know where I'm working, where I'm living - I hate everything being up in the air like this. I'm totally ready to be back out on my own again. I lived in an apartment for three years during college, so living with the parents, even though it's only been three months, has been really rough. I really appreciate their hospitality, but like they say, You can never go home again. It's just not the same. I want my own living room with my own couch... I want my own bathroom with my own shower curtain. I dunno... just ready to be my own person, I guess. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Spent the week with Tim... good times. :o) Played in a concert... good times. I thought it went pretty well... I felt SO old there, though. (I think that's the last time I agree to sit in... I dunno...) I have a job prospect... Pray for me! (btw- Tim bought me the "Pirates of the Carribbean" soundtrack - LOVE it! Thank you sweetie!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Feeling MUCH better today... Thank goodness! I couldn't handle many more meals consisting of crackers and coca-cola. (To those of you who know my mother, you know that her cure for upset stomach is coca-cola... I was never aware that it had healing powers. *shrugs*) I'm going to back to the college today. The concert band there is doing a "Lord of the Rings" concert, which is apparantly VERY low brass heavy. They're kinda lacking on the numbers in the trombone section, so the director asked me to come back and play. It should be fun. I really miss ensemble playing... solo playing just doesn't do the same thing for me. So- that's the plan.... rehearsal for concert band Tuesday night and Wednesday night. Dance band practice on Wednesday night as well... Concert on Thursday night - fun times on Friday night. :o) Looking forward to the rest of the week. I'd better get packin'!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Whew! Been a while, eh? Well - I'm working on my resume and job portfolio.... trying REALLY hard to find a job, get out on my own (and basically out of my parents' house... you know how it is.) This stuff is a lot harder than it looks! I really wish that while I was still in school I took advantage of the professors always being there to help. Now, that I really need their help I'm too far away to run by their office and stuff like that. Oh well.... I am lucky, though, that I have so many professors and other contacts that are willing to write recommendation letters and character reference letters. I don't know what I would do without them! I mean, it's hard enough for a veteran teacher to find a job... even tougher for a rookie like me, but I'm sure that the letters will help. I'm also SOOOO thankful for all of the support that I'm getting from family, friends and Tim. I don't know what I would do without them! I guess I would go crazy! I'm reminded of a song from my childhood... hehe *I am slowly going crazy... 1..2..3..4..5..6..SWITCH! Crazy going slowly am I... 6..5..4..3..2..1..AHHH!*

it REALLY, REALLY sucks to be sick... I mean, sick as a dog sick.... UGH Toss me the soda crackers, but don't stand too close.