Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

violins and bad singing voices

This might be my favorite "quote of the day" yet.....

"Life is like playing a violin solo in public, and learning the instrument as one goes on."
-Samuel Butler-

Watching the new American Idol.... all I can say is, What the #$*&#% are some of these people thinking? I mean, at some point, all those friends and family members have got to step up and tell you that you don't need to make that noise in public! Friends don't let friends audition for American Idol!! So - people - I hereby appoint to you a noble duty.

If I ever (and I mean EVER in a million years) tell you that I want to sing in public (especially if there will be video evidence) stop me. Stop me by any means necessary.... Iron Skillit to the head, drug me up, whatever it takes. (I'll both forgive and thank you later.) Thank you, and goodnight.


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