Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, January 29, 2006


"If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat,
if your house is on fire - then you have a problem.
Everything else is inconvenience."
-Robert Fulghum

GMEA was fantastic... I learned tons, and it's always good for the soul to get out of Macon for a few days. I saw one of my favorite brass groups while I was there (Boston Brass,) and I even got to meet them when I found out that my college trombone professor taught those guys too while they were undergrad students in Boston. Small world! (I have signed CD's and posters now, and I'm thrilled! I even got to shake hands with the tuba player... I'll never wash my hand again! *lol*)

Glad to be home now.... but, I DO NOT want to get up for work in the morning.


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