Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Mom and Nana had minor surgeries today... busy times. Heading home tomorrow afternoon - anxious to get there.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

The wedding I was in this weekend was beautiful!! Many congratulations to Matt and Lisa Davis!! :o) I love being in weddings - it's fun! (Maybe that's just 'cause it gives me a good excuse to get all dressed up and act all girlie - yeah - that's it.) I'll try to post a pic from the wedding when I get them back from processing. Anyway - Had a fun time today at the Atlanta Braves game with Dad. (Happy Father's Day, Pops!) I'm staying at my parent's house until tomorrow evening, and I'm SOOOOOOO ready to get back to my own place. My Mom and I, as much as I love her, can't be together for more than a day or so without fighting. It's driving me crazy!!! I think it's because we're so much alike. I dunno. *putting on my armor and preparing for the rest of my stay*

Thursday, June 17, 2004

The "Canadian Brass" are God's gift to the Brass Quintet! For those of you that do not own a Canadian Brass album - GO! Go now to the store and purchase one! (I'll excuse you from reading the rest of this post!) There is something so exciting/relaxing/invigorating/serene in the sound of a good brass quintet. I really miss my days in the good 'ole Bobcat Brass. :o) Anyway - you'll all be glad to know that the trash from the previous post has migrated to next to the front door so that it'll go to the dumpster on my next trip to the parking lot. I've also spent a good portion of the morning washing dishes. I've done laundry... Gosh - just a modern-day housewife today, eh? (Minus the house part and the wife part... I guess that makes me an apartment-bachellorette, eh?) There's an exciting/slightly scary situation going on with two of my good friends- send a prayer their way.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I've GOT to take out my trash... geez! The one horrible thing about having a really nifty pantry big enough to hold the kitchen trash can and about six extra trash bags full of stuff is that the "out of sight, out of mind" theory applies. I never think about taking the trash out - until it's taking over the kitchen. *sigh* I found out last night that a good friend of mine is having her labor induced tonight. Best of luck to Terrell and Christa! And, Happy Birthday to Baby Olivia! I have to shop for a wedding gift today. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding for a sorority sister of mine on Saturday... I have a tradition of making "Just Married" underwear for the sisters who get married. *hehe* They're really cute, actually... the words spelled out in rhinestones on the back of the undies. It just takes fabric glue, tweezers and a lot of patience. I guess I should get started! Out!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

*ugh* My back hurts... I've spent all evening unpacking and cleaning, but at least the place is starting to look a little more like home, and not a multi-room jail cell. However, that doesn't ease my back pain much. I wonder where my tylenol is.... I got to see Tim this afternoon. Let me tell ya, he was a sight for sore eyes! Tomorrow is the last day of camp - then he's back with me. We're having fajitas for dinner tomorrow. I'm going shopping with Michelle tomorrow morning. I need a new dress for a wedding reception that I'm playing for on Saturday. It just dawned on me what an unexciting life I lead... *sigh*

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Isn't the DMV heaven on earth? (Can you sense the sarcasm just oozing from those words?) I had to have my driver's license changed today so that my new address would be on it. I didn't think that would take too long - WHOA - was I in for a surprise! It took me three hours to do that. No, you didn't read that wrong... THREE FREAKIN' HOURS! At least it's done... Then I came back home and started unpacking/putting things away again. I feel like it's never going to be done! Ahh, but one day there will be no more cardboard, and I'll know where everything is... Oh! How I long for such a day!! Tomorrow, I'm heading to Milly-ville to have lunch with Tim. I'm excited... feels like it's been forever since I saw him. He'll be done with camp and back with me on Thursday. *little internal YAY* I'm going shopping with Michelle on Thursday morning - that'll be fun. Well, It's 11pm... think I'm heading to bed. HOLLA! (Oh yeah - check out this website! http://www.smalltime.com/dictator.html)

Sunday, June 06, 2004

This is Tim playing trumpet. I absolutely LOVE hearing him play!

He's supervising a band camp this week... I really miss him! Thank goodness that I finally live a little closer to him, though. We're only 20 min or so apart now (if you speed just a little, of course.) We've been able to spend the last couple of days together, and it's been great! Did a lot of talking, and a LOT of laughing. We always have such a great time. Hmm - I miss all of my buds from Milly-ville. I'll have to throw a dinner party or something and give us all an excuse to hang out again.

Friday, June 04, 2004

innocent kiss
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I'm in! I'm in the new place and it's glorious! (Even more so now that my internet is connected again!) I still have tons of unpacking to do now - but that's so much more fun than packing everthing. My furniture is going to go where I want it... I'm going to have what I want for dinner. Life is good.

Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.

what key signature are you?
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