Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Alrighty... well, obviously my blog has just undergone a MAJOR overhaul along with the rest of the Blogger website... I'm really glad that they updated things! I'm going Wednesday to observe in the classroom where I'll be teaching. It's going to be really good for me to have a chance to talk with the teacher that's there already, and get an idea of what it is that I'll be doing! Blogger just added a comment feature to the Blogs... AWESOME! Leave me comments! :o) Well, Pizza's here and I'm starving! Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Holla!


At 8:59 PM, Blogger Chris Wetherell said...

From all of Blogger (who's reading your site right now)...glad you like it. Thanks from Blogger Team. (Really! there's like 15 people sitting behind me watch type this.)


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