Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Let's set the scene....

It's sunday morning... my lazy butt woke up to late to go to church. So, I decided to watch one of the local services on TV. (Mable White Baptist) I turn the TV on and I'm shocked! I mean absolutely SHOCKED at what I see going on at this church!

There... on the TV screen... is an upclose view of a bassoon player playing "I Surrender All". Whoa!

How often do you see that? (For non-music people... not many!!) Yay for Mable White being open to non-conventional church music! (My future sister-in-law is a bassoon player.... so, double yay!)

The musician looked awfully familiar... maybe she was the bassoon professor at GC&SU... Hmm...


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