Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Why..... why is it that when I'm having a great day at school - one student can always ruin it for me? Why does that one little smart-ass and his little smart-ass comments bother me so much? "Just let it go...." "Let it roll off your back..." MUCH easier said than done. "Don't smack the little kid across his little peanut head." MUCH easier said than done..... *sigh* If I had EVER had the nerve to say the things that students say these days, I would STILL have problems sitting down due to the immense butt-beating that I would have recieved when I got home. Now, I know that to the generations older than me, my generation seemed disrespectful and lazy. But - let me tell you! We are NOTHING compared to what's coming up now..... When does the downward spiral end? What can I do to help?!?

9 days 'till spring break.......


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