Sometimes living alone sucks..... it just really, REALLY sucks...... *sigh*
On a much happier note - 6th grade/District Jazz Honor Band was today.... my students did SO well! I think that this is as close to feeling like a parent as I want to be for a LONG time. ;o) But, I'm always SO proud when I see them doing well. (And, doing well at something that I taught them, to boot!) I just grinned through their whole concert. (Even though it was a typical squeaky-sqwaky 6th grade performance.) And, the district jazz group played one of my favorite old Basie favorites - Lil' Darlin.... I love that song! (Dr. Bob always told me that Basie could make silence swing - that song proves it!)
Is it sad that it's only 9pm, and I'm considering going to bed? It is sad - but it's been a long day.... Wish Tim was here.
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