Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tim took me to a John Mayer concert on Sunday... good times! :o) I got my first teaching pay-check today. FINALLY! I don't feel poor anymore. (Even though I am.) I have to send home progress reports tomorrow, so I should get to work. Out!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Well.... I had my first parent/teacher conference via telephone this afternoon. I have a student in my band class that refuses to play. If you don't play in band - you fail. He's a nice kid - and I didn't want him to fail, so I called up Mom.... I was terrified. My hands were shaking, and I hope that my voice didn't betray me and make me sound nervous. Mom was very helpful and nice, so I hope that the situation improves. All through school, I was told that if you made a phone call to a parent for something negative, that you should also call a parent for something positive that same afternoon. I did. I have a set of brothers in my bands that are the most polite, well-behaved students I've ever met... so I told Mom. She loved it!! :o) Made me feel good, too. Tim's birthday is tomorrow! (Yeah, I know - TOTAL topic change) I'm going shopping now to get food for the dinner I'm making him. (Lasagna.... yumm....) *putting on my armor to brave the Wal-Mart* Out.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Again - my weekend is almost over. I've come to cherish these few days where I get a little peace and quiet. I actually enjoy getting caught up on my housework. (NEVER thought I'd hear myself say that!) Tim and I went back to my parents house yesterday for a cookout... it's still strange knowing that I don't live there anymore, and that I never will again. How long before the odd feelings go away?!? Well - time to find something for dinner. Out!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Teaching is emotionally draining... it takes a lot out of you! Then, add a marching band rehearsal to that (football games start tomorrow!), and now I'm physically drained too! I've almost survived two full weeks. That's kinda hard to believe if I think about it. A teacher stopped me today and told me that she'd heard a student pay me a compliment. I was very surprised, and asked her what they said. Her response was, "Wow - that Ms. Johnson is strict - you'd better not misbehave in her class!" I laughed out loud.... I don't feel like I'm being that strict. I feel like I'm not just teaching those students music, I feel like I'm teaching them manners as well. ("I don't care if you would do that in front of your mother, you're not going to act like that while you're associated with my band." is a phrase I know I've said at least 10 times to 10 different students.) I told that teacher that I didn't feel like the students liked me right now. She was quick to remind me that it's not my job to make the students like me. It's my job to teach them music and to make them better people. I hope that I'm accomplishing both. I also know that as the hard work and discipline that I require pays off musically that they'll like me a little more than they do now. I hope that day comes soon. Until then, if I can survive another week of 7th grade boys, then I call myself a success! :o)

Saturday, August 14, 2004

What a week...what a week...... I survived my first week of teaching and I didn't cry or quit. (I hear that's a good thing. hehe) Must sleep now......

Sunday, August 08, 2004

My weekend is almost over.... am I allowed to pout? I think so. I'm playing in the orchestra for a community theatre version of "The Music Man" this summer. I have rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Opening Night is Thursday. It'll run through Sunday. It's fun - and it occupies me while Tim is out of town. He's in NY visiting family. *little prayer that he stays safe and has fun* Gincy, a good friend of mine and past roommate, came into town on Friday night to visit me for my birthday. It was a great visit. We always giggle so much when we're together. Thanks Gincy!!
Tomorrow I have an in-service day at school. That will give me a chance to regain my bearings before the students return on Tuesday. I'm not AS scared of the students as I was, but they're still a pretty intimidating bunch whether they know it or not! I think they can smell fear!
I'm off....

Friday, August 06, 2004

I survived.... The first day of school is over. *SHEW* Granted, all we did today was fill out information cards and go over the classroom procedure, but I survived. Here's to the rest of the school year!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Happy Birthday to me.... :o)

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I have a whole new respect for teachers. I never realized how much work they did before the students arrived. But, now I do - first hand. My classroom is finally coming together, though. And I really like the way that my office is starting to look. Tomorrow night is "Open House." I've never dealt with parents before, so I'm a little intimidated...But I'll survive. Classes start on Friday. I don't know that I've ever been so nervous in my life! *Breathe in.... Breathe out....*