Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, May 13, 2004

I spent the day yesterday shadowing the teacher who's place I'm taking. They keep him pretty busy, and they already have a list of things for me to "charter" next year including a football pep band and a band banquet. So - adventure lies ahead! Only 15 more days until I move into my apartment! WHOO HOO! (The count-down has begun if you didn't notice. *hehe*) I mean, I was already working through a major adjustment living with the parents again, but now my little brother has moved back in from college for the summer. Whew - 4's a crowd! I kinda miss elementary/middle school. Britt and I were pretty close then, but we hardly talk now. We're such different people, and we live such different lives. I mean, he's ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS off doing something with a huge group of friends. I tend to be a little more reserved, hanging out with just a tight group of buds on occasion. He's in training to be a youth minister...I'm a band director. It's funny how siblings can be totally different. Also,I never realized how Obsessive Compulsive I've become... but sharing a bathroom with a little brother has cleared that up. I mean, it drives me nuts that he never puts the shampoo back on the rack in the shower, and there's always little beard hairs on the sink after he shaves. *sigh* I guess it's a guy thing.... don't get me wrong, I love the guy - but I don't like sharing a bathroom with him. Well, I'm about to get started on dinner. (We're having mini- English Muffin Pizzas. Good stuff!) Out!


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