Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Tango & Samba

I got 2 kittens today! I'm SOOOOO excited!!! I named them Tango and Samba - and I'll post more about them later - I'm going to go play! :o)

Friday, May 27, 2005

heavy thoughts....

Something has been weighing on my mind lately. About two years ago, I did something horrible to a friend. I did something that completely betrayed that friend's trust. I have apologized to all involved... I have spent countless nights crying and praying for God to forgive me. However, I can't forgive myself. My mind is still filled with guilt. It shows up when I least expect it, and I feel horrible. I know that this is my consequence for my actions. I know that I have absolutely no right to complain, because I brought this on myself. I just wish that I could move on. *heavy sigh* On a MUCH lighter note - Tim and I are going to pick up my kittens tomorrow. I need some lighthearted frolicking!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

More than you EVER wanted to know...

What kind of bedding do you use? I dunno what kind it is... it's pretty - kind of "Indian" in it's style - lots of beading and jewel tones

What are your favorite bands? Love old stuff... Rat Pack, Charlie Parker, Ella Fitzgerald. I also REALLY like Diana Krall, Michael Buble and Jack Johnson

Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? I think my brother used to have their CD... I never really got into them

What kind of books do you like to read?
Anything with a story that grips me. Right now, I'm re-reading all of my books from AP English in High School. It's amazing how much more I enjoy those books now.

How often do you brush your teeth? Umm... Once in the morning, once during the day and once before bed.

What's your Favorite Quote? "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." Og Mandino

Are you a giver or a taker? Isn't everyone a little of both?

What screen saver is on your computer right now? At work, it's scrolling marquee "CRMS BAND". I don't have one at home... the screen just goes black.

What other names do you now have (nicknames, etc.)? None that I've gone by recently... in the past - Lori Sue, Lori-O, Jay

Do you sleep with the light on? No... I like it really dark.

Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? You can't help it! It's like a magnet!

Why did your last relationship fail? Oh wow. We were in different places. We wanted different things. I'm really independant in a relationship. I like space - he didn't!

What CD is in your CD player right now? Diana Krall "Live in Paris"

Anorexic? Umm... no

Bite your nails? I try SOOOO hard not to.

Do you tell your friends about your sex life? Sex life? Haha... Won't have one of those until I'm married... I'll let ya know then.

Do you cook? If I have to. Tim's a MUCH better cook than I am! We just ate Chicken Parmesan Subs for dinner! (For those Milledgevillians - it was better than Amici!!)

Do you have tattoos? No. Thought about it once, but then my extreme fear of needles and my common sense talked me out of it.

What's one thing you like to do alone? Practice my music. I don't like people to hear me play until I feel like it's perfect. And, I only sing by myself. No one else needs to hear that!

Kids? Nope...

How are you sitting? On my booty- in a chair.

Beer or cider? Cider, I guess. Although, I don't really like either.

Played 'Truth or Dare'? High school band bus game of choice!

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? A little of both.

Would you rather be rich or famous? How about comfortable and happy?

How many CD's do you own? No clue! I LOVE music!

Been on a talk show/game show? Not so lucky.

When was the last time you punched someone? Gosh... Britt and I duked it out once or twice. Such a loving sibling pair!

Do you sleepwalk? Nah, but I talk in my sleep a lot.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nope.

Birthday? August 5, 1981

Do you own a 2 Pac CD? Not exactly a "2 Pac" fan.

Who do you want to be like? My Parents. My mother is amazing. She's generous and loving. My father is so laid back and "go with the flow." I'd love to be a combo of the two of them.

Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? Only once. And I'm NOT proud of it. (Although in defense, we were already "in the process" of breaking up...)

What song seems to reflect you the most? Umm... "When You're Smiling" It's nice and happy!

Have you dated one of your best friends? Doing so now!

Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if
I'm too scared of surgery!

Put on women's clothing and hang around in bars? Where you there during my college years? Kidding. However, I do wear woman's clothing on a regular basis, and I'm NOT ASHAMED of it!

When did you last take a shower? This morning.

What kind of soap do you use? Right now it's green Zest.

What's your favorite soundtrack? "Pirates of the Carribean" That music is amazing!

Like to listen to music? It's my job!

Who's your favorite actor(actress)/musician? Umm... Don't know.

How do you eat an apple? Open mouth, insert fruit, close mouth, chew. Simple enough.

Favorite candy? Dove Dark Chocolate

Beach, city, or country? Country girl all the way!

Swam in the ocean? Yeah, but it's been a while.

Gloves or mittens? Gloves.

Who's your second family? Tim's family, I guess. (Even though I don't get to see them as often as I would like.

Bath or shower? Shower.

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? $10 or so. If I carry more, I spend more...which is BAD.

Favorite drink? Sweet Tea

How do you like your eggs? Scrambled - just a little runny.

Your single biggest fear? Ending up alone.

Hair drying method? Finger dry until about 80% dry, then upside down with the brush.

Which shoe goes on first? I heard once that's it's good luck to put the left on first - and that's how I've done it for years.

Who do you want to avoid? People with negative attitudes - they just bring me down.

Pets? Reba- my fish and I've got two kittens on the way!

When was the last time you read a book? Yesterday - "Their Eyes Were Watching God"

First kiss? Charlie Long - on my trampoline in the 9th grade.

Do you listen to country? I listen to a little bit of everything.

Shopping? Borderline compulsive.

Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Someone who would complain about being stuck in a room. I would want to be with someone who could make it fun.

Favorite actress? Sandra Bullock or Meg Ryan.

Do you have any rap CDs? Only a few.

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve - I love the anticipation.

Favorite day of the week? Friday afternoon around 5 though Saturday night.

Are you a ditz? On occasion. Aren't we all?

What's sexiest on a guy? Expressive eyes and strong hands.

Do you like making mix tapes/CDs?

Coke or Pepsi? GA is home of Coke!

What's your favorite song at the moment? "I've got you under my skin"

How often do you have sex? Never - not until I'm married.

Who are you going to be married to? *shrug and wink*

Do you own a Limp Bizkit CD? Nope

Can you roll your tongue? No... but I always wanted to!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I have never been so frustrated with an 8th grader's lack of maturity as I am right now. I'm at school...sitting in my office during my lunch break because I need to calm down. I'm so frustrated and angry at my 8th grade class that I want to spit, or curse, or kick something. I can feel the anger making me tense. Why? Why can't they just act like normal human beings? Why can't they just act like they are in the 8th grade and not like they are still wearing diapers. I feel SO sorry for the few in the class that know how to act with decorum. I want to hug that few.... if only they could influence the rest.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


I think I just watched the world's saddest movie! I've never been a "movie cryer" but lately those things are really starting to get to me! "Message in a Bottle" just made me bawl! (Glad I was alone so no one could laugh at me for crying at the television!) Any other "movie cryers" out there?

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Michelle and Bubba (two awesome friends of mine) are engaged! I'm so excited for them!! YAY!

Friday, May 13, 2005

graduations and flower gardens

Been a while, eh? Yeah...sorry 'bout that. (Does anyone read this thing, anyway?) Today was "8th grade graduation" at school.... the 7th grade band performed "Pomp and Circumstance" as well as the "Alma Mater." I must say - they didn't dissapoint me! They did a very nice job and maintained decorum throughout the ceremony. I was very proud! Yay! Then, I came home... finally, and Tim and I went to eat at El Sombrero. (My favorite Mexican resteraunt in Macon.) Dinner was followed by a trip to Wal-Mart. (*L* It usually is...) I decided that I wanted to add some color to my balcony, so we visited the garden center. I know have a full-fledged balcony garden consisting of 2 window boxes, and two plant stands. It makes me smile! (Mom- I even planted purple petunias in honor of Granny Norman.) Only one week of school left. WHOO freakin' HOO! :o)

Friday, May 06, 2005

No more Field Day!!!

I have now survived 3 days of field day. (Along with an hour of moppin' bleachers everyday afterschool...) Tired and glad it's over! Tomorrow is Tim's graduation! Yay for him!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Field Day

When I was in school it never occured to me that my teachers hated field day. I mean, who could hate field day?!? It was an excuse to get out of class, play games all day, and finally have a chance to flirt with the cute guy in the other seventh grade class. Well - I have seen the other side..... OMG! I'm sunburned and I ache.... Muscles I didn't know I had ache.... I've washed my hands twice, but they still feel sticky from all of the soda bottles I had to clean up off of the gym bleachers. And - today was only 6th grade. I've got 7th and 8th to go. Whew.... better get some sleep now! ~L