Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mail-In Rebate

Are there many things better than getting money in the mail? I never really understood the purpose of a mail-in rebate (couldn't they just deduct that from the original price?) but that doesn't make getting the check any less cool! I just got back from Savannah - accompanying one of my clarinet students to all-state band. She's the first chair player - which means that she's ranked as the top middle school clarinet player in the state. She's such an awesome girl - more self discipline than I have ever seen in a student. However, trips like that stink when you have to travel by yourself. Tim was supposed to go with me, but couldn't at the last minute. I called Britt... he's never free on weekends, and couldn't go. So - I traveled bumpy I-16 alone. I did a lot of goofy singing on the radio. Kelli, Johnathan, David and Meghan - I thought about you all and smiled when I drove through Effingham. Well - I'm home now - debating how long I'm going to procrastinate laundry. Ahh- I had a terrible dream last night! I dreamed that I got fired - and no one would tell me why they'd let me go. It was NOT cool - woke up all teary eyed. Hmmm.... *crossing my fingers that I don't have the powers of dream premonition*


At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY LORI!!! I found your blog by complete accident - well actually Dave found it...you're aparrently on one of his friend's blog sites....I don't know. ANYWAY - I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! :) I hope to see you Thursday at the jazz band concert! Till then...:)


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