Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Friday, February 18, 2005

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Ahhh.... It's Friday. Somehow, no matter what kind of day you've had - when you walk out the door on your way home on a Friday afternoon the sky looks bluer, the grass looks greener, the air smells sweeter. I love that feeling of freedom - knowing that I have a day or two to myself. (or mostly to myself) I can do what I want. Whatever I want - I can watch DVD's to my heart's content - I can catch up on my letter writing - I can teach myself to cook some fabulous dish... even if laundry is piling up and I really ought to wash the dishes. It's time for me to do something for ME. Topic Change... I have a gig tomorrow night with the dance band that I play in - "Georgia Rhythm." It's some engagement party out at the county club; so that'll be an adventure. Seven to midnight - but hey - can't beat lousy musicians pay and the free meal that we get to eat in the kitchen. *heh* There's something about playing for people that I just love. It's a rush unlike any other - working so hard on something, then seeing someone enjoy it so much. I felt it in the 6th grade at my first band concert. I felt it while on stage outside of a castle in the Czech Republic. I feel it playing at these engagement parties - seeing the couple smile as they dance to the music that you're playing for them. And now - I get to experience it in a whole new way as I conduct my young musicians through their first experiences playing their instruments for people. I love seeing my students' nervous smiles and shaky hands. I love seeing their faces fill with pride as their families and friends give them a standing ovation (even though they barely squeaked through a really simplified version of "Jingle Bells".) Ahh... life is good.


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