Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Monday, November 29, 2004

Another day older and deeper in debt

14 class days left until Christmas Vacation.... the countdown has officially begun.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

cleaning up a storm

I got back to my place today. I love my family, but it's good to be back. Maybe this place is starting to feel a little like home. I pulled out my Christmas decorations today. I even played Christmas music while I worked. It was a lot of fun! Then, I cleaned.... and cleaned... and cleaned... I'm feeling kind of accomplished. Yay for me. ;o)

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

Thanksgiving - what can I say? I appreciate the holiday and I truly am grateful for everything that I have in my life. But, sometimes I wonder how we all survive the holidays. On a lighter note - some things that I'm thankful for: God, My family, Tim, friends, my job (even though it stresses me out), finally having a car that's reliable, being able to semi-survive on my own.... Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Simply touching....

Wow - after I wrote that title, I realized how many strange ways that could be interpreted. Anyway... I attended Sigma Alpha Iota's initiation last night. It was beautifully done and
"simply touching." I love watching initiation. It always brings back memories of mine and how frightened yet excited we all felt. It's a beautiful ceremony. I wish there was a way to explain these things to people who chose not to become members of fraternities or sororities. Anywho - this is my last day of school before thanksgiving - and that's DEFINATELY what I'm thankful for! (Among tons of other things!) Sometimes I just don't know what to do with certain students..... Oh well.... Back to my day.

Monday, November 22, 2004

it was the best of times...

I cooked a Thanksgiving dinner last night - and it was good! Since Tim and I both have to head back to the families for the holiday, we wanted to have our own thanksgiving dinner. It was good stuff! Pork Loin, made from scratch mashed potatoes, stuffed mushrooms, broccoli casserole, gravy, bread .... And, I don't think we burned anything! Yay for us! I just hope that Mom can measure up. *hehe*

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Is that REAL shrimp at Captain D's?

Tim's Jazz concert was last night. I'm always so proud of how hard he works and how hard he performs! I was officially dubbed a "Jazz Band Widow" by the band director. (At GCSU the Jazz Band typically takes up tons of the guys' time. I never really worried about it, being of the few female members of the group. However, now I understand the term!) I also got to spend time with a friend that I haven't seen in several months. Joy, it was great catching up! Let's not wait so long next time!
I have a gig out at the country club tonight. Let me tell you, there's almost nothing as amusing as watching drunk people TRY to dance while you play. Wow....

Saturday, November 13, 2004

the homefront

I'm back at my parent's house for the weekend to celebrate Mom's birthday. I spent the evening looking at old, old family pictures. Nice stroll down memory lane....

Monday, November 08, 2004

If I can survive until Thanksgiving, it will be a miracle............... *sigh*

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Teaching makes me tired.... I feel physically and emotionally drained... ahh well. Tim and I just celebrated a one year anniversary. Happy times! :o) Football season is now officially over. (Thank goodness) Macon is an adventure. I love "Antiques Roadshow." (I know this is a random post, but it makes me happy, so LAY OFF! hehe)