Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Been a while... yeah - sorry 'bout that.

Life has been hectic, you know how it goes.

Let me catch you up:

-worked a summer band camp at GC&SU - had a blast!
-went to Florida to visit my brother who was down there interning at a summer Christian camp
-went to New York to meet Tim's family - LOVE THEM!
-started the '06-'07 school year

It's the last that has me concerned. I've been feeling less than thrilled about my job lately. Things just aren't going as I had envisioned them and I'm feeling pretty discouraged. And, I really just don't know what to do to make things better. Hmmm....

And, to top it all off, I feel so old! I turn 25 on Saturday. I know, I know... that doesn't really sound old, but it's a quarter of a century! Then, to top it off, at open house the other night, I had a parent asking questions about the upcoming wedding, which didn't bother me, until the following exchange took place:

Man: "Well, Ms. Johnson, I was just wondering why you waited so long to get married."
Me: "Waited so long? We'd only been dating two years. That's not that long."
Man: "Well, what I meant was, you're not getting any younger, you know."

WHAT THE CRAP?!? Who in their right mind talks to a WOMAN that way?!? (Alright- guys that read this...... NEVER tell a woman that she's "not getting any younger!!!!")

Isn't there a weekend coming up?