Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Father's Day

In the spirit of Father's Day, I thought I'd share some of my favorite memories of my Dad.

I remember going to the movie theater and sitting on Dad's lap to watch the Sesame Street movie, "Follow that Bird." (The movie came out in 1985 - and it's still great! I actually have it on DVD...)

I remember my dad playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" for me millions of times on guitar - trying to sing.

I remember Dad making my brother and I breakfast EVERY morning in elementary school. And - he always did something silly, like running around the kitchen holding waffles over his eyes. :o) (And - he never used enough chocolate in the milk, did he, Britt?)

I remember that when I got my first car, I put a strawberry air freshener in there. The first time that he rode with me, he told me that my car smelled like a brothel. (I still don't know how he knows that! )

I remember that when I was Drum-Major in high school, and he was the parent "equipment guy", he wouldn't let anyone else set up my podium for me - he always did.

And, I remember that this year, when I called to ask Mom what he wanted for Father's Day she told me that my Nascar-watchin', deer huntin', woodworking Dad wanted a Snow Cone Machine. (What the?!? *shrugs* Okay.....)

So - Sunday after church, my family will be having cherry snow-cones. Want one?

Happy Father's Day, Pops!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I tried on my first wedding dress today. Let me tell you - strange feeling! I mean, I know that I'm getting married, but somehow that made it more real. Wow. Something about the formal wear undergarments with the nine MILLION little hooks that you have to have an army of help to get in and out of made me giggle like the girly-girl that I never thought I'd be. Again... Wow.