Just a girl - a very random girl...

rantings, ravings and general thoughts

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Strange, strange, strange....

Very odd dreams lately. I wonder what they mean.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Deer in the Headlights

What exactly is it that God's creatures hold against me? Huh?

Why did my stupid cat pee on my shoe?!? Huh????

Why did that deer tonight feel that it needed to crush in the side of my car? Huh???

I mean, seriously Deer... what did my car do to you? That's right, NOTHING! My sweet little car has spent its whole life trying to avoid hitting you and your species. Yet, you decide that my car deserves to be punished, eh? I sure hope that you're planning on paying my insurance deductable you dumb ass Odocoileus virginianus! *sigh*

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Hopes for our Friendship

I hope that our friendship can be a source of comfort to you...

...like a blanket to wrap around you when you're cold.
...like a pillow for you to use to rest your head.
...like arms to hold you when you're weary and feeling alone.
...like a handkerchief to catch your tears.

I hope that our friendship can be a source of strength to you...

...like sunshine when you need warmth in your life.
...like music that soothes your emptiness and fills a lonely place.
...like a meal when you're hungry and want to eat.
...like a shoulder when you need something to lean on.

I hope our friendship can be a source of love to you...

...like someone who offers praise and never pressure.
...like someone who is there to talk to when you need to talk.
...like someone who is there for you to be whatever it is you need.
...like someone who loves you just the way you are.

I hope our friendship can be a source of certainty for you that you always have someone on your side...

...to give you hope that there is a way through everything.
...to give you confidence that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
...to be a voice that says, "Congratulations! You've made it!"
...to share with you every challenge, every joy, every trial in your life.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

This is my teaching team.... (Top to bottom, L-R) Mrs. Drummond, Coach Bryant, ME, Mr. Bugg, Mrs. Frazier, Coach Puckett, Coach Layson, Ms. Kemp - They keep me sane at school!